Carnegie Mellon University

Faculty Leaves

Submit a Faculty Leave of Absence using the appropriate form located in the right hand sidebar.  

Professional Leaves

Faculty members should request professional leaves of absence at least one semester in advance of taking the leave

Given the increasing complexity of many professional leave requests, faculty members should anticipate that it will take at least 6-8 weeks after the Dean's approval for the Provost's Office to take action on the request.

Parental, Family, and Personal Leaves 

Parental, Family, and Personal leave requests can be submitted at any time and will be reviewed regularly.

In addition to parental leaves, faculty have access to the family leave policy and may have rights under the Family Medical Leave Act. To apply for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), please visit Human Resources.

Tenure Decision Deadline (TDD) Extension 

Tenure-Track Faculty requesting Parental Leave may also request an extension to their tenure decision deadline. Faculty members should work with their department head to discuss their options and complete the required Tenure Decision Deadline Extension form (see sidebar).

Additional Information

Please contact for inquiries regarding any leave request.