Eberly Center is a hub for CMU faculty and program-level technology-enhanced teaching and learning initiatives and serves as a leading global resource
The Eberly Center is proud to be a part of the Simon Initiative, in part because Herb Simon was a central figure and key advisor in the Center's history. So it’s not surprising that the Simon Initiative's goal of leveraging learning science research to improve student outcomes is well aligned with the Eberly Center's long-standing approach.
If you are interested in The Simon Initiative and teaching innovations at CMU, here are some activities to take advantage of:
- ProSEED grants for faculty pursuing technology-enhanced learning at CMU
- Creating Instructional Videos That Actually Work for Learning, a Faculty Special Interest Group
- Spotlight on Innovative CMU Faculty Teaching series
- The Simon Initiative events (distinguished lectures, The Innovators Forum)
- Measuring learning outcomes in CMU courses and programs, contact us to get started
- Incorporating technology into teaching & learning, contact us for course- and program-level consultations